In the enchanting realm where twilight kisses the horizon, there exists a mermaid named Elara, who dwells in a world where day transitions into night in the most mesmerizing hues of purple and gold. Elara’s realm is a magical land where the sky’s deep purple and the sun’s golden rays blend seamlessly, creating an ethereal spectacle that captivates all who behold it.
Elara is known for her enchanting presence, shimmering in the light with her vibrant tail that mirrors the colours of her mystical world. Her tail, known as “Purple Horizon,” is a stunning blend of deep purples and vibrant yellows, reflecting the harmonious dance of twilight and dawn. This tail not only showcases the beauty of the setting sun but also symbolizes the promise of a new day on the horizon.
Crafted from a luxurious blend of 82% Poly and 18% Elastane, the “Purple Horizon” tail ensures both elegance and practicality. The fabric is exceptionally breathable, designed for moisture-wicking, and guarantees rapid drying, making it ideal for prolonged aquatic adventures. Enhanced with Creora highclo technology by Hyosung, the tail offers impressive chlorine resistance, ensuring long-lasting quality and performance.
Additionally, the fabric is certified by Reach and OKEA-TEX for superior quality assurance and provides excellent sun protection with a UPF rating of 50+.
As with all mermaid tails, safety is paramount. Always swim with a monofin for the best performance and safety. Never swim alone—always have a buddy nearby to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Dive into the enchanting world of Elara and let the “Purple Horizon” tail bring the magic of twilight and dawn to your underwater adventures.
Please be aware that tail manufacturing can take up to 5 weeks to ensure the perfect fit according to your measurements. Shipping is not included.
Size Chart:
Kids Small (age 5 – 7)
Waist: 50 – 55cm
Hips: 55 – 65cm
Length: 90cm
Kids Medium (age 7 – 11)
Waist: 55 – 60cm
Hips: 60 – 70cm
Length: 100cm
Kids Large (age 11 – 12 +)
Waist: 60 – 70cm
Hips: 75 – 85cm
Length: 110cm
Adult Small (Size 28 – 32)
Waist: 75 – 80cm
Hips: 85 – 95cm
Length: 120cm
Adult Medium (Size 34 – 36)
Waist: 80 – 90cm
Hips: 90 – 105cm
Length: 120cm
Adult Large (Size 38 – 40)
Waist: 90 – 100cm
Hips: 105 – 115cm
Length: 120 cm
Adult Extra Large (Size 42 – 44)
Waist: 100 – 110cm
Hips: 115 – 125cm
Length: 120cm
Adults | Kids | Adults, Kids |
Style | S, M, L, XL |
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