In the enchanting world beneath the water’s surface, the “Spotted Sunny Solara” tail tells the tale of a mermaid known for her vibrant spirit and joyful heart. This mermaid, named Solara, was beloved by all the sea creatures for her radiant personality and the sunny glow she brought wherever she swam. Her tail, adorned with bright yellow spots, mirrored the cheerful sunshine that kissed the ocean’s surface, creating a mesmerizing pattern that sparkled with every graceful flick of her fins. Legend has it that Solara’s tail was a beacon of happiness, lighting up even the gloomiest corners of the sea and spreading warmth to all who beheld it.
The “Sunny Spotted” tail is crafted from a high-quality blend of 82% Poly and 18% Elastane, ensuring a combination of comfort and durability that matches its enchanting design. The fabric’s exceptional breathability, moisture-wicking properties, and rapid drying capabilities mean you’ll stay comfortable and dry through your aquatic adventures. With enhanced chlorine resistance from Creora highclo technology by Hyosung, and fabric certified by Reach and OKEA-TEX, you’re assured of lasting quality and performance. The tail also boasts superior sun protection with a UPF rating of 50+. For safety, always wear a monofin with your tail, never swim alone, and supervise children closely during their mermaid play. Embrace the joy of the “Sunny Spotted” tail and let your mermaid dreams shine as brightly as Solara’s radiant glow.
Please be aware that tail manufacturing can take up to 5 weeks to ensure the perfect fit according to your measurements. Shipping is not included.
For safety, remember never to swim with a mermaid tail without a monofin. Always make a splash with a buddy by your side, and keep a close watch on the little mermaids and mermen in the water. Safety first!
Size Chart:
Kids Small (age 5 – 7)
Waist: 50 – 55cm
Hips: 55 – 65cm
Length: 90cm
Kids Medium (age 7 – 11)
Waist: 55 – 60cm
Hips: 60 – 70cm
Length: 100cm
Kids Large (age 11 – 12 +)
Waist: 60 – 70cm
Hips: 75 – 85cm
Length: 110cm
Adult Small (Size 28 – 32)
Waist: 75 – 80cm
Hips: 85 – 95cm
Length: 120cm
Adult Medium (Size 34 – 36)
Waist: 80 – 90cm
Hips: 90 – 105cm
Length: 120cm
Adult Large (Size 38 – 40)
Waist: 90 – 100cm
Hips: 105 – 115cm
Length: 120 cm
Adult Extra Large (Size 42 – 44)
Waist: 100 – 110cm
Hips: 115 – 125cm
Length: 120cm
Adults | Kids | Adults, Kids |
Size | S, M, L, XL |
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